Most frequent questions and answers

OCD is a psychological disorder that overcomes individuals with repetitive thoughts leading to anxiety, which is then acted out in exacting routines or behaviors. Children and adults with OCD suffer from unwanted and intrusive thoughts they can’t seem to get out of their heads (obsessions), often compelling them to repeatedly perform ritualistic behaviors and routines (compulsions). OCD interferes with a person’s normal routine, schoolwork, job, family, and social activities. On average, childhood OCD appears around age 10. Parents may initially think it’s a phase, a habit or stubbornness. Over time, the behaviors become so exacting that the child and family members have to act in prescribed ways.

Severity of symptoms can vary, several hours every day may be spent focusing on obsessive thoughts and performing seemingly senseless rituals.

• Keep on having irrational worry about dirt, germs, or contamination
• Preoccupation with order, arrangement, symmetry, or exactness
• Fear that negative or aggressive thoughts or impulses will cause personal harm or harm to a loved one
• Preoccupation with losing or throwing away objects with little or no value
• Thoughts about violence, hurting, and killing
• Feeling overly responsible for the safety of others
• Distasteful religious and sexual thoughts or images
• Repeated doubts (like whether the door is locked)

• Cleaning- Repeatedly washing one’s hands, or cleaning household items
• Checking and re-checking several to hundreds of times a day that the doors are locked.
• Hoarding or saving objects
• Spending long periods of time touching things and arranging them
• Mental Rituals- Endless reviewing of conversations, counting, repetitively calling up “good” thoughts to neutralize “bad” thoughts or obsessions.

 It tends to run in families, though some people will have OCD with no family history. Those with a first-degree relative diagnosed with OCD are 3-12 times more likely to have the disorder than the general population. The earlier the onset of OCD, the more likely genetics played a role. Later onset indicates a larger role played by environmental conditions and trauma.

If you are suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), counselling and psychotherapy can help you regain control over the associated thoughts and rituals that are affecting your life.

Benefits of Psychotherapy and Counselling for OCD
▪ It helps you replace obsessive thoughts with more balanced ways of thinking.
▪ It can free you from compulsions that prevent you from enjoying life.
▪ It can improve your relationships with friends, family members, and coworkers.
▪ It enables you to learn and practice relaxation techniques that are effective in reducing anxiety.
▪ It can give you a better understanding of the underlying causes of your OCD.

Sessions are booked to last for 50 minutes. If you think you may need more time, please mention this when booking your appointment as this can often be arranged.

This will be entirely up to you, part of the counselling process is reviewing how it is helping with the issues you bring to the sessions. It is helpful to have a session once per week initially.

Your privacy is taken very seriously. Any information discussed during counselling will be kept confidential. The boundaries of confidentiality will be discussed with you during the first session.

You can cancel via phone call to 6225 5455. Fee will be payable if less than 24 hours notice is provided.

Our office is at 10 Anson Road, International Plaza #24-09 Singapore 079903.